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Update NPM packages with ease.

Upgraderoo is a simple NPM update tool. It helps you upgrade NPM packages, discover outdated packages and saves you time to focus on building your product.
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How does it work?

Upgraderoo scans your package.json file and queries the NPM registry for the latest package version.

- If there is an update available, we'll show you the CHANGELOG to help you with the update process.

- Breaking changes in CHANGELOG files are shown in red.

- Outdated packages will be shown in the list.

Why Upgraderoo?

There are other tools for updating NPM packages, but they are usually hard to use and spam your GitHub's PR section. Upgraderoo is easy to use, groups all the updates together and shows you a clear view of what has changed.

Try it out by pasting your package.json file

Made with by Janez Čadež

Images: Banner, Logo